Wednesday, November 30, 2011

A touch Of Color

Every woman needs a touch of color......

Some need it applied to a certain place.....

....and some need more than just a "touch"!


Christina said...

Looks like someone lost his cool in the last picture!!

When I see things such as this, I lose all interest in TTWD!!!

Dr. Ken said...

Christina--you may be jumping to conclusions here. Who's to say that this isn't xactly what the lady in the photo was looking for?Everyone has their different levels of tolerence.
Believe me, I've seen many ladies get spanked to this point who then ask their spanker, "Why are you stopping?"

Christina said...

Yes, I know that there are submissives who enjoy being spanked into oblivion - they love the rush but to break the skin or have welts, that's an entirely different situation!!!

As they say, to each their own......

Dr. Ken said...

Christina--I agree with you about breaking the skin and welts. I don't care for either. As I spank almost exclusively by hand, such things are unlikely to happen--and speaking for myself, I would stop if I thought there was danger of either one occurring.
However, try as I might, I see no evidence of broken skin or welts in this picture. I do see some bruising (something else I personally try to avoid), but that's it. Perhaps your eyesight is better than mine. That wouldn't be difficult....:-)