In the past, I talked about the things I liked about it, most noticeably the models. The women, with few exceptions, all have that Oriental beauty--timeless and ageless faces, cute little spankable bottoms, and (occasionally) a voice that could cut glass when they're reacting to a spanking. But sitting at work about a week ago, another reason why I liked the site suddenly dawned on me--and why it took so long for me to recognize it is a mystery.
To explain, I first have to go back many years to a time when I was at a spanking party. Several of us were just sitting around talking--spankers, spankees, a few switches--when one woman asked, "What is it you guys like so much about women spanking other women? What's the big deal to you? Why do you like it so much? Would you be that interested if it were a man spanking another man?"
It should come as no surprise that all the males there showed no interest in the M/m scenario.
As for the rest of the question, for me the answer was pretty simple--as long as the spankee was female, it really didn't matter to me who the spanker was. I'm probably not even looking at the spanker. My first response on seeing a F/f photo, for instance, is always, "I wish I was doing the spanking". Since I can't, I'm just happy to see the lady being spanked--the spanker makes no difference, male or female.
I later came to realize that my second response to a F/f photo was, "I'd like to spank the lady who's doing the spanking, too." Apparently, when it comes to F/f pictures, my mind always assumes the spanker is a switch and therefore, subject to being spanked. Don't ask me why--it's not an assumption I ever make in real life. I guess, in fantasy, anything is possible.
I was thinking about that very subject when I had my "moment of clarity"--that's one reason why I liked They feature that sort of role-reversal in quite a few of their scenarios.
Take, for example, a series of updates they ran back in September. The first one (video clips and photos) involved a patient in a hospital using a cell phone in an area where cell phones were prohibited. The nurse who caught her decided to deal with her in a very stern manner.....

Later on, the patient came across the nurse breaking the very same rule, and took it upon herself to see the rule enforced....

See? Role-reversal.
The next scenario was a standard one, a mother spanking her daughter over some offense--a very normal and standard set piece of many spanking sites. But the next update went back to the role-reversal theme. A big sister takes her younger sister to task over her homework....

Later, the younger sister catches big sis doing some self-spanking. (Big sister is apparently a big spanko!) The younger girl decides it's the perfect opportunity to take her revenge.....

Once again, spanker becomes spankee--a sight I definitely like to see when it comes to F/f scenes.
I'm glad I figured that out. It just might mean it's time for me to sign up for another membership run!