I just love windy days..... :-)
Parental Advisory--Adult Content-- Mature Adults Only--NSFW
Yes, it's "Ho White and the Seven Dwarves".
The Dwarves were also renamed, supposedly to represent various types of drinkers. So, instead of Sleepy, Happy and Doc, these Dwarves are named Filthy, Smarmy and Randy.
I did some quick searching trying to come up with all seven names, but didn't have any luck.
In what is probably a vast understatement, after the ad came out the company said that it had "a little bit of contact" with Disney. I'm sure it comes as no surprise to anyone out there that the website for the product, anythingbutsweet.com, has apparently been disabled. I think it's safe to assume that all advertising featuring the image has been pulled, as well.
Disney has officialy released no comment.
One paper that featured the story ran a poll asking if people were offended by the ad. The last time I looked, 25% said yes, this was a terrible way to treat a Disney Princess and 75% said they weren't offended, they thought it was funny.
Count me among the 75%.
In the opening episode of Kourtney and Khloe Take Miami, we see the two sisters having a discussion that ends with a high five--but Khloe, with a devilish gleam in her eye, takes hold of Kourtney's hand and slowly pulls her sister toward her, briefly getting her in a darn near perfect "bottoms up" position. Kourtney, being no fool, immediately turns over onto her left side. We then see Khloe hook Kourt's leg, turning her back over face down and buns up. Sadly, the scene cuts away before we see what happens next, but--speaking as a spanker with 20+ years of experience--I sure know what I expected to follow.
Later in the series, when Khloe learns that Kourtney is getting togther with an ex-boyfriend, Khloe gets Kourtney face down, flips up her skirt, and smacks her bottom (sorry about the picture being so small, but it was the only video-grab of the scene that I could find):
So--is it all just sisterly roughhousing? Or should Khloe change her name to Spanko Kardashian?
I leave it up to you to decide for yourselves....