It's a chance for bloggers like me to thank the overwhelming majority of people who visit us. This year, something like 135 blogs are participating. For a comprehensive list, check out Bonnie's blog, "My Bottom Smarts".
To participate, all you have to do is the one thing you usually don't--leave me a comment! You can say as much or as little as you like, but say something! You can make up a name, post anonymously, whatever you're comfortable with. This blog, as you may have noticed, is all about having fun--so for one day out of the year, please feel free to join in, even if it's just to say, "Hi", or tell me where your from.

Your presence here is deeply appreciated whether you leave a comment or not. But I'd certainly like to hear from you. Let me know what you're thinking, what other blogs you enjoy reading--how much you say is up to you. I look forward to reading what you all have to say--because like the subject line says--we love our lurkers!
The "And" part of this post--today, of course, has a deeper and more serious meaning. The eleventh day of the eleventh month is the day that America honors it's Veterans--to remember those who have served as well as those currently serving. Please say a prayer of thanks to those doing what, at times, certainly seems like a thankless job.
They leave their home and loved ones behind. They fight battles not of their own choosing. In some cases, they make the ultimate sacrifice. They do it to protect our freedoms, our liberties, and our way of life. And they do it proudly and without hesitation.
These are the modern-day heroes. They deserve our respect and our thanks. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers--today and every day.

Love this blog. Don't recall if I've ever de-lurked here or not. And HU-UH to all the Marines out there. I hope Dr. Daniels can read this blog. Redchief
Oh, and [timidly] first? LOL!
I have visited you frequently but never delurked before! So Hi!
Have a good day - and thank you for the AND...Veterans' Day. Here in the UK we observe the Armistice Day also - and in France it is a Bank Holiday.
Dear Dr. Ken,
I can't say I'm as regular a reader as I would like to be - ever since starting my own blog, I've had much less time to read others. But I do lurk here from time to time and I try to keep an eye on what's going on.
So now I'm using the occasion to delurk and send you my regards. I've been meaning to thank you, anyway, for favourably mentioning my blog in August. That was a very kind introduction.
Best wishes, and happy LOL day,
Hello! I'm a very rare commenter, but an avid reader...and I enjoy your comments elsewhere just as much as your posts. Blessings!
And thank you for remembering our Vets today as well. They deserve our honoring.
Happy LOL day, Dr. Ken! It always a pleasure to read your blog!
Scarcely a lurker here but I could no doubt comment more often, Doc.
I didn't realize it was L.O.L. Day and I probably should do something about that.
But I have to tell you what a great job you did with your Veterans Day remarks. Very impressive.
Devlin O'Neill - Petty Officer, U.S. Coast Guard, three or four wars ago
Oh! Almost forgot - thanks for the kind comment on Bonnie's blog as to where you might post your romantic story. If you ever do feel like writing it I'd be honored to help, and delighted to publish it.
Ya know, I look at your blog a lot, but I don't think I have ever posted a comment on it. *Sorry*
While I've become far more than a lurker, I'd like to get my readership somewhere around the numbers you, Bonnie and Pixie get.
So here I am, saying HI, you can reciprocate if you'd like. =]
Sending some love! :)
Found your blog a little while back, and do enjoy it. Not sure if we've left a comment yet though. We'll comment more often in the future though. Happy Veterans Day!
Todd & Suzy
Dr. Ken,
I visit your blog regularly. Keep up the great work.
Hi Dr. Ken,
Thank you for leaving a comment on my blog! Greatly appreciated.
I'll have to spend some time to read yours next.
Enjoy the blog as well as your comments elsewhere.
I have a question. The title of your blog, is that a boast or an ambition? are you talking about the whole of Minnesota? :-)
And as to the second part of your post. Honour the covenant.
I have enjoyed your blog numerous times. As a Vet, thank you for thinking of us!
S. in Dallas
Dr. Ken,
I have seen your comments on other blogs and have been by here several times. However, I have not commented. Today, I wanted to rectify the problem. You have a wonderful blog, and I will keep reading it!
Happy LOL Day! Keep up the good work, Dr. Ken.
Another de-lurker....Never fear, Dr. Ken, we check in regularly and love your Minnesota take on the spanking world.
thanks for visiting my blog! I have linked you and plan to visit/explore frequently!
Spanking Barbie
Dr. Ken,
I enjoy reading your blog and I really think you could pursue a career in stand-up comedy!! :)Happy LOL Day!
I visit your blog but have never left a comment. Just wanted you to know how much I enjoyed it. Go Vikings! A MN fan myself.
Dr. Ken,
Happy Veteran's Day, and thank you for helping out with Love Our Lurkers as well. As you see, it's been a tremendous success.
Dr. Ken found your site from American Spanking Society. Happy Veterans day
Here is one Wisconsin woman who wouldn't mind a warm bottom on a cold WI night : -)
Dr. Ken found your site from American Spanking Society. Happy Veterans day
Here is one Wisconsin woman who wouldn't mind a warm bottom on a cold WI night : -)
Hello Dr Ken lovely to have found your place I shall stop by more regularly.
Wow! That's all I can say. Love Our Lurkers Day is turning out to be a big success--25 comments so far--and, as far as I'm concerned, it's not over yet. And if some people want to delurk over the next day or two, I think it still counts.
A big "Thank You" to everyone who left a comment. Some of you I've never heard of before. Some of you have blogs that I have read, and for whom I have a lot of admiration and respect. And some of you have blogs I'd never heard of before, but definitely want to visit again. It's a wonderful cross-section of the spanko community, and thanks to Bonnie for bringing us all together.
Redchief--yep, you were first. I don't think you've ever been here before, but hopefully you'll drop back from time to time.
Winchester--Hi! I seen your comments on Pixie's blog and elsewhere. I'm thrilled to learn you drop by here frequently as well. And "you're welcome" for the AND part of the post. I couldn't let this day go by without giving them the recognition they deserve.
Ludwig--thank you. Drop by whenever you can, even if it can't be on a regular basis. And I was happy to put up a link to your blog. It's awesome!
Greenwoman--always happy to see you here. I always enjoy your comments, as well as your own blog.
Radha--it's always a pleasure to have you here, and I always love to read your comments. You know I enjoy going over to read your blog, as well.
Devlin O'Neill--I'm glad you managed to join the fun on your own blog. Glad you enjoyed my Veterans Day section of the post, too. I don't know if there are enough words to commemorate what our Veterans have done for us.
Jai--Hi! I'm glad you decided to post. And you bet that I'll reciprocate!
Kat--sending some love back! Or should I be sending swats? :-)
A.S.S.--Hi, Todd and Suzy! Nope, I think this comment is your first. I enjoy your blog a great deal, and I appreciate your taking the time to pop in and say hello. Don't be a stranger.... :-)
Hermione--I visit your blog often, too. You have such a great blog, and I have such fun reading it. Are you sure you're not magically creating posts? :-)
Mark--welcome! Feel free to look around. I'll be back to look through your blog....
Alice--thank you! I do enjoy commenting on several blogs--most often on Pixie's and on Devlin O'Neill's. As is often the case here, I try to keep things light and humorous. Hopefully, I succeed...
Spankedhortic--LOL. The answer, of course, is--neither one. I enjoy spanking, and I live in Minnesota. Put the two together and you get the name of the blog.
Yes, the truth is really that boring.... :-)
S. in Dallas--Glad you dropped in. And in regard to the Veteran part of the post--you're more than welcome.
Serpent's Embrace--thank you, Marcus! I'm glad you took the time to drop in and leave a comment. Most people, of course, don't--which is why LOL Day is such a great idea!
Michael--I'll do my best!
Jo--I'm glad to hear you drop in regularly! (Or should I say, "Ya, shure, you betcha!") I don't know that the Minnesota perspective is too different from anywhere else, but I do have fun posting.
SpankingBarbie--How wonderful that you came to visit! I really enjoyed what I found on your blog, and will be back for more. Thanks for the link, too. I'll be happy to return the favor!
Lynne--blogging is easy, comedy is hard! :-) But I'm glad you appreciate the sense of humor I try to bring to the table, whether it's here or in comments I leave elsewhere.
Anonymous--thanks for the comment! It's not easy being a Vikings fan. Sadly, I can see them finishing 8-8 and out of the playoffs--same as last year.
Bonnie--25 responses so far, so you're right--I'd have to say the Day was a success. And, of course, people can leave comments tomorrow, as well. Thanks for getting everybody organized!
Jane--Hmmm, let me check the weather outside....okay, I'll be right over! :-)
Mina--welcome to the blog! i enjoyed my visit to your place, as well. Drop by anytime!
Hugs and spanks,
Dr. Ken
Dear Dr. Ken,
I have to admit I just found your blog so I may not really be a lurker. Good to have found you, though. I may just start lurking now...smiles.
Janice--very nice of you to stop in. Whether you're a lurker or a first-time looker, you're always welcome here.
Hopefully you'll take some time to come back, thumb through the archives, and let your 'strange imagination' wander.... :-)
Dr. Ken
Wishing you a Belated Happy LOL Day Dr Ken!
Dr Ken,
Thanks for stopping by my blog. LOL day is wonderful for us bloggers, but the added bonus is finding new blogs.
Now that I've found you, I may become a lurker. Who knows, maybe I'll even comment!
first visit - but probably won't be my last :)
Hi !! from the Great White North
morningstar (owned by Warren)
LOL Day is so fun!! I am loving meeting so many new people!! ^_^
Sara--thank you! It's never too late to drop in and leave a comment, as far as I'm concerned.
Grace--You're absolutley right. I tried to go down Bonnie's list and visit (and leave a comment) on every blog that she listed. I'm sure I missed a few, but I also know there are many I want to go back and explore.
And I'd be very happy to have you come back here and dig through the archives. Comments are a bonus.
Littleone--thanks for visiting! Come back often! According to the weather report, we're going to be the "white north" pretty soon....
Shay--I agree! The spanko community is a very warm, friendly and loving bunch. Your taking the time to come here and comment is proof of that!
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