Sunday, June 9, 2024

Spanking Sunday



Jimc said...

I love these especially the second one and Samantha Woodley getting spanked. Great finds thanks for sharing and enjoy your day.

Anonymous said...

Love the second one!

My first thought: "Ohmigod, that's Annie!!!"

It isn't, but she is a damn close match for one of my former spanking GFs!


AussieJenny said...

Hi! Dr Ken, they are both enjoying it in photo 5 aren’t they? Bye for now Aussie Jenny.

Dr. Ken said...

Jim -- Any picture with Samantha Woodley has to be a good one. :-)

A.J. -- Any time I can find a picture where the spankee looks like or reminds me of a lady I used to know is a bonus!

AussieJenny -- It certainly looks that way, doesn't it? And that's what makes it such a good photo. I could argue, of course, that all of the people in these photos are enjoying it at some level and at some point in the process--maybe before, during or after the spanking took place.