Monday, June 10, 2024

By Any Other Name, Pt. 2


In Pt. 1, published on June 5 2024, I had been complaining about how hard it sometimes was to find photos of the same shoot due to their being reblogged and renamed.  It turned out that I actually had two photos from the same shoot but with hundreds of other photos in between them--the first having a numbered file name and the second being reblogged and given a tumblr- prefix.  Most people agreed that the spankee was Abigail Whitaker, and some mentioned that they seemed to remember other photos.

One reader of this blog (shout out to Norse Cavalier) actually tracked them down and provided the web address to find them.  (You can find that in the comments section of the June 5 post.)  So I tracked them down, captured them and--yes--renamed them.  So here they are -- 


I'm guessing that's all the photos in the set, but if anyone knows the location of others, let me know in the comments and I'll try to round them up!


fatherjim said...

I was in the process of viewing all 400,000 pics I have to find the one of her standing for the "aunt" to pull down her pants and darned if you beat me to it! Thanks for saving me hours of work! You are the best!


Dr. Ken said...

fatherjim -- Glad you managed to save some time, although revisiting some of the pictures in that collection sounds like a nice way to spend a few hours. But give the credit to Norse Cavalier! He's the one who found the collection and provided the link for me to find it!

Anonymous said...

Love #2. A beautiful girl! Who doesn't mind being spanked!


Anonymous said...

So who owns that beautiful tush?

Anonymous said...

Dommage de ne pas voir les fesses sur la quatrième photos !! 🍑

Jimc said...

I really never knew it was Abigail.That also begs the question how old is this set anyway? I really thought the last picture was the best.great finds. Thanks for sharing and have a great day.

Kyrel said...

I've got those pics in my collection as well, but yea, they are not that common to find together. I just really wish there was one in the set with her panties pulled down as well. Also, can't say that I'd ID'd the spankee as Abigail. But it's a great set of pics :-)

Dr. Ken said...

A.J. --Lucky for us!

Anonymous -- Most people seem to think it's Abigail Whitaker.

Anonymous -- Enjoy what you can see rather than worrying about what you can't.

Jim -- I'm still entirely sure that it's Abigail, although a lot of other say that's who it is.

Kyrel -- I did a search for Abigail Whitaker spanking, but these pictures didn't turn up. And the shots I saw of Abigail didn't really match with what we're seeing here. But I'm not the greatest judge about these things, either. And I'm glad to finally have all these photos together.