Wednesday, June 5, 2024

By Any Other Name


I've seen this photo I don't know how many times.  Heck, I've probably posted this photo on the blog numerous times!  It's a nice head-on reaction photo of this young lady getting spanked.

Nice facial reaction, jeans down to her knees, squirming across a lap--all very nice elements.  The file name is simple--19.

The problem?  Nothing, really--or at least nothing major.  When I post on here, if I can find two or more different photos of the same scene, I like to put them together and post them in some sort of sequence that makes sense to me.  I'll go looking online to see if I can find those pictures--which is made a little more difficult by the fact that this photo, also found buried in my archives--

--goes by the file name tumblr_nirdesYPfu1tjzgtro1_500.

Picture files get reused, reblogged, renamed.  It happens.  It does make it a little difficult to find those other pictures, though--the ones that might depict a different angle or a different stage of the spanking, some shots earlier, or a picture later on in the scene.  What it usually means is that, sometimes, finding a companion photo boils down to pure luck.

I got lucky.

While searching and browsing other sites on line, I came across this--

File name?  tumblr_lvakbjWVTn1r78gm7o1_400.

It took a while for the fact to sink in that this a different photo of the same spanking.  I've been running this blog since 2008, was collecting spanking pictures before the blog started, and unless my memory is failing me--and at my age, that's a distinct possibility (lol)--it's the first time I've ever seen this one.  I could be wrong, I may have seen it before, might even have put it up in a past post years ago--who knows?  I'm not going to search my entire blog to find out.

But it might have been easier to find if it still had the original file name of, for instance, 18.  In which case, this post might have looked like this--minus all this annoying text, of course.  😄


Jimc said...

Yes,when I first saw this one it was said to be a birthday spanking and I happily accepted that. Later I did see some of the other pictures you show and like your memory(I am just younger than you)I remember them from somewhere.(Do you remember a collector called orange Viking?) I have enjoyed the whole series,but I was disappointed that it was not a birthday spanking as it was how I felt like it was. It was great to see her otk with her pants and panties down to her knees and getting a spanking.I am glad you found most of the pictures I think I saw the whole series and I think there were two or three others as it was a commercial shoot not a candid photo. thanks for sharing and enjoy your day.

fatherjim said...

I have seen a pic from the scene where the girl is standing and dropping her jeans and panties. It is the bridge shot between the pants up and pants down shots. Is the gal Abigail Whitacker perchance? I'll see if I can find the middle shot and send it to you!


AussieJenny said...

Hi! Dr Ken, I think Isaw one of the phot on Dev’blog??? Bye for now, Aussie Jenny.

Dr. Ken said...

Jim -- I think it was the same for me--first time I saw it was among some photos labelled as birthday spankings. The face that her jeans were down didn't really mean much more to me--among two female friends a pants down spanking might have been normal for them. Now, of course, if it was a photo shoot, that changes things. Still like the photos, though--it doesn't ruin it for me.

fatherjim -- Not sure if it's Abigail Whitacker or not. My initial reaction is to say, "No", but then I don't know Abigail at all so I can't really say one way or the other

Dr. Ken said...

AussieJenny -- Well, it's certainly possible, thanks!

gentbb said...

yes that is Abigail Whitacker!

See what you guys can do to find the pants down version.

Dr. Ken said...

gentbb -- Thanks for the identity confirmation. I did a search for Abigail yesterday, and I still wasn't sure if this was her or not. And these pictures didn't even come up in the search, so I have my doubts as to being able to find any more.

Norse Cavalier said...

I managed to find two more images from the set. I'm also pretty sure it's Abigail.

Dr. Ken said...

Norse Cavalier -- Nice detective work!