Saturday, June 1, 2024

Spankable Saturday



Jimc said...

Great spankables. The last one as the great American pastime baseball should have the crack of the bat(hand) on a stellar night and enjoyed by spanker and spankee.great finds. Thank you short shorts; cutoffs,lingerie you do indeed cover or should say you uncover them all.enjoy your day.

Dr. Ken said...

Jim -- Love the last one, too. I don't deliberately try for some kind of mix in terms of clothing (or unclothing), it just sort of happens that way.

Anonymous said...

The three lovelies bending over the pickup truck, wearing denim
cutoffs triggered memories of the old series "Petticoat Junction"
The three young ladies in that series were sometimes threatened with
"whuppins or switchuns" but sadly, they never came to fruition.

Dr. Ken said...

Anonymous -- Uncle Joe probably would've had a hard attack...