Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Toon Tuesday



Anonymous said...

#6 is great! I love the shocked look on the girls face and her reddened bare ass cheeks. The spanker has a lovely tight bottom herself in that tight dress!

Jimc said...

Great toons.I always love vintage ones as some I did see when they first came out.the first one is quite unique and I can honestly say I have never seen it before and that is always the fun of collections like yours that have such wide range of items that are outstanding.thanks for all you share.enjoy your day.

Dr. Ken said...

Umbrella -- Just another in a long line of women who thought they were too old to be spanked--and are getting spanked!

Jim --Part of the fun of postings photos and toons like these are comments such as yours. Anytime I can post something you haven't seen before, I feel like, "Well, my work here is done!"