Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Toon Tuesday



Susan said...

Re first cartoon:
Any wife who does that to a husband who has worked hard all week has only herself to blame if he uses that so conveniently placed hairbrush.

Jimc said...

I always love Endart and that story was quite good.he did use the wife in a later story and it just dawned on me that it could be a sequel namely the husband had died and she missed being spanked so gets the young handyman to spank her with a hairbrush.Bare-Faced Cheek did several great ones with Scarlet Johansson ( in this one I did put her in the board game CLUE as who better than a woman named Scarlet portraying Miss Scarlet and being spanked with different implements and rooms) great toons.I always look forward to it.thanks for all you share enjoy your day.

Dr. Ken said...

Susan -- I hope the hairbrush comes with instructions--"Pants down--Spank--Repeat. Use liberally"...

Jim -- I don't remember this particular story, but I do remember the other one you mentioned. And you're right, it could certainly be looked at as a sequel!

Susan said...

Dr. Ken: Yup, written on the back under the varnish.
Jimc: Perhaps Dr. Ken might run all related cartoons as a series?

Susan said...

You've outed me! LOL. Again thanks for the compliment.

Dr. Ken said...

Susan -- my apologies. I never intended to post that comment. I must have been okaying other comments and just did it automatically without paying attention I have deleted the comment now Apologies to Jim, too!

Susan said...

Dr. Ken: Honestly don't worry. All is well.

Dr. Ken said...

Susan -- Thanks for that. And I'll take your advice--"Don't worry/ Be spanky!"