Monday, March 31, 2008
Good News, Bad News

Friday, March 28, 2008
Spring Cleaning

Sorry about the quality--it's not particularly sharp and clear--but that's the way it was posted, so that's the way I saved it. If your eyesight is like mine and you can't read it, the caption says, "Excuse me, but you did say I needed a good fan belt, didn't you?"

And this picture, which looks like an old Nu-West photo, reminds me that I'm going to be in Chicago this weekend for a Crimson Moon party. That means no updates for a few days--but then, I don't exactly update every day anyway. If any of you out there are also going to be at the party, come on up and say, "Hi." I won't bite (I'll spank, but I won't bite....)
I'm outta here!
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Heather Mills

Sunday, March 23, 2008
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
A Most Spankable Cast

Monday, March 17, 2008
Happy St. Patrick's Day

Friday, March 14, 2008
"Ow" is not a safeword

Safewords. Use 'em.
Okay, that's admittedly a bit short for a blog entry. On the other hand, it's not like there's anything new to say on the subject. As Dave of The Cherry Red Report says in one of his wonderful "Get Your Spank On" entries on his blog, there are a lot of spanking blogs out there, and it seems like every topic has been talked about already. So, I think it's safe to say none of you are going to read this and go, "Egad! Safewords? Brilliant!" and break out the Guinness.
What I--and all the other bloggers out there--can do is take a topic and give our own experience and our own perspective in regard to it. So even though there may already be 900 posts about safewords, each one is a little bit unique and has something the others won't have.
So--back on topic. You all know what a safeword is, or at least I hope you do. It's a word that the bottom can use to stop the action. It should be a word that normally does not come up during a spanking, thus making it easy for the Top to pick up on. "No", "stop", and "ouch" are not good safewords, for example.
I bring the subject up because it seems to me that a lot of new people coming into the spanking scene don't use them. They tend to gloss over that part and just want to get to the action. Don't do it. A safeword is a standard safety precaution, and you really do need one, and make sure the person you're about to play with knows what it is.
Some people have them, but they wind up afraid to use them for fear they'll seem like they're wimping out. Trust me--no one will think less of you if you safeword, and your bottom will probably thank you later. :-)
The most common, and perhaps the most popular, safewords use the concept of the traffic light. When the spankee says, "Red", everything should stop immediately and the spanking is over. The reason she uses the word isn't really important--maybe she feels that her bottom can't take anymore, maybe she's become uncomfortable with something that is happening. If it's important, she'll tell you why she called, "Red", but she doesn't really owe you an explanation. It's enough that she used the safeword, and that means, "Okay, that's it."
"Yellow" means slow down, or wait. It could just mean there's something she wants to talk over. Maybe she's developed a leg cramp. Maybe your knee is digging into her stomach and she needs to reposition herself. It doesn't mean the spanking is over, but she needs to have you pause for a bit.
"Green", of course, means everything is fine, and go, man, go!
Now obviously, if you're playing with someone who has been your spanking partner for the last 5 years, you already know the other persons safewords and don't have to go over it every single time. But if you're playing with someone new, a safeword is a very good idea.
I was at a Crimson Moon party many years back with a very nice lady, and she got herself into a bit of a situation. We were in the hospitality suite, so there were other people about, and one gentleman approached her and asked her to play, and she agreed, so he started spanking her there in the suite. She thought she knew the safeword, he thought he knew the safeword, so there was no discussion beforehand. The problem was--they were different safewords.
Without going into too much detail, something developed that she wasn't comfortable with, and she wanted to stop, so she said her safeword and--nothing happened. The spanking continued. So she said it again, and again nothing happened. At this point, she told me later, she just panicked. Her mind went into overdrive, her body felt like it shut down, she couldn't move, and all she was aware of was that she was in a bad situation and couldn't stop what was happening.
Fortunately, one of the party organisers was nearby, realized that her distress was genuine, and stepped in to stop the action. As they talked it out, they discovered the problem of the two different safewords. Needless to say, she made a vow to herself to never let that happen again.
We were talking later and she said, "So, Ken, what should I use as my safeword?"
I suggested, "Lorena Bobbitt". Hey, if that doesn't get a guy to stop what he's doing immediately....!
So--safewords. Use 'em.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Goin' To A Party, Party.....

Monday, March 10, 2008
Lucy Liu Responds to "Musical Interlude" Post

Frankly, with that attitude (and the way those jeans are fitting), I'd like to see to it that she didn't sit too well for a bit.....
(Okay, just kidding. I did not hear from Lucy Liu, who I daresay has better things to do than read this humble blog. The photo is actually from the October 2001 British Edition of Esquire magazine, photographer unknown.....The only truth to this post is that her butt does look good in those jeans!)
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Musical Interlude: Sing along with Dr. Ken
One of my favorite songs recently has been "Rockstar" by Nickelback from their CD All The Right Reasons.
One of the favorite recurring topics on spanking message boards has always been, "What TV star would you like to spank, or like to see spanked?"
So I've combined the two. The result is this song parody called, "TV Stars". If you don't know the tune, you can probably find it on the web. I believe there's a version of the video on YouTube--just search for Nickelback-Rockstar.
You can, of course, just read this as a poem, but I think it's more fun to sing along....
And if you recognize all the shows and the ladies named--you watch too much TV!
Sing loud, now.....lyrics start after the picture:
I wish some guest would take a paddle to Tyra Banks
These TV shows today aren't what I hoped they would be
I'd like to see some spanking around the dial
On Cable and Network--that would make me smile
'Cause all the ladies on the air sure look spankworthy to me
There'd be bottom-warmings for Desperate Housewives
And Girlfriends would get the spankings of their lives
The women of Friends would all get the wooden spoon
Kari Byron would get her butt busted
And Rachel Ray would get her seat dusted
You could set your evil designs on Heidi Klum
I'd like to see some spankings on my TV
I'd like it even better if the spanker were me
'Cause we all just wanna spank TV stars
Like Kristen Bell of Veronica Mars
Or Billie Piper from Doctor Who
Or the Cashmere Mafia's Lucy Liu
And I'd watch Xena spank Gabrielle
Then Hercules could spank Xena as well
Upend Judy Reyes and Sarah Chalke
Smack the seat of their Scrubs until you make them squawk
And hey, hey, I'd spank the TV stars
Hey, hey, I'd spank the TV stars
Sore buns for Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Anya and Willow
And Cordelia'd have to sit on a big, soft pillow
A Spanking Demon--now there's a plot for the show
Whack the roundest part of Grey's anatomy
Paddling Katherine Heigl sounds good to me
Swat Sandra's upturned bottom until she yells, "Oh!"
I'd like to see some spankings on my TV
I'd like it even better if the spanker were me
'Cause we all just wanna spank TV stars
Like Kristen Bell of Veronica Mars
Or Helen Hunt from Mad About You
Or the Cashmere Mafia's Lucy Liu
Swat Yunjin Kim from the cast of Lost
Grab Judith Light and show her Who's the Boss
Spank Padma Lakshmi from Bravo's Top Chef
And the Girls Next Door (apologies to Hef)
NCIS, I'd spank Lauren Holly
And Abby, played by Pauley Perrette, by golly
Cote de Pable would be made to bend
For some good firm slaps on her cute rear end
And hey, hey, I'd spank the TV stars
Hey, hey, I'd spank the TV stars
I'd spank TV wives who got too bossy
Like Ally McBeal's John did Portia de Rossi
Truth to tell I'd like to spank them all
Go back in time and make Lucille bawl
'Cause we all just wanna spank TV stars
Like Kristen Bell of Veronica Mars
Or Freema Agyeman from Doctor Who
Or the Cashmere Mafia's Lucy Liu
Agent 86 could try his spanking arts
On Agent 99 until her bottom smarts
And Luke could cook up some mayhem
Spanking Gilmore Girls Lauren Graham
The Enterprise would be quite a wreck
As Kirk spanks the ladies on Star Trek
Ugly Betty'd have trouble sitting down
And there's a hairbrush waiting for Murphy Brown
And hey, hey, I'd spank the TV stars
Hey, hey, I'd spank the TV stars
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Oh...and use a coaster. Where'd you grow up, in a barn? Honestly, I clean and I clean.....(sigh)
The blog is now about a month-and-a-half old. For those who have been here before--in case you haven't noticed, I've made some minor changes.
I've added a few more links to other blogs. I hope you'll take the time to check them out. The latest addition, Hermione's Heart, is a brand-spanking new blog, exactly one day old as of this writing. I've seen Hermione's comments on other blogs (including my own), and she's going to be worth reading. Take a trip over there, leave a comment and wish her well.
I've also added a link to the Chicago Crimson Moon web page. I've been a member of CM since it began in 1993, and frequently attend the spanking parties that they hold. In fact, they have one coming up at the end of March, and I plan to be there. I talk about Crimson Moon often enough here and elsewhere, so it's only fitting that I put a link for them here.
Lastly, for my own amusement, I've added a counter at the very bottom of the page. Blogging is sort of weird. You write this posts and put them out there, and if no one leaves a comment you have no idea if anyone is reading it. Looking back over previous posts, I could easily come to the conclusion that my blog is read by about 9 people. So, early on the morning of March 5, I added a counter to give me an idea of the traffic that comes through here. I thought about setting the counter to, say, 1,000 just so it wouldn't look strange to visitors ("He's been bloggin' since mid-January, and he's only had 6 visitors?! Lawdy mama, get me outta here!"), but decided against it and started at 0--or, to be more accurate, 00000000.
Imagine my surprise and delight when I signed on to write this post and discovered I'd had 242 hits in less than 24 hours. It's a very gratifying--and somewhat humbling--feeling.
So, that brings you up-to-date. And thanks to everyone who has been kind enough to grace this page with their presence.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Thanks a Billion
A. A billion seconds ago it was 1959.
B. A billion minutes ago Jesus was alive
C. A billion hours ago our ancestors were
living in the Stone Age.
D. A billion days ago no-one walked on the earth on two feet.
E. A billion dollars ago was only 8 hours and 20
minutes, at the rate our government is spending it.
Now, excuse me--I have to go work on my taxes......
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Media Blitz

Friday night I finished work, went to Blockbuster and rented a couple of movies, picked up a pizza, and went home. In retrospect, I should have skipped the pizza. O Waistline, Where Art Thou?
The plan was to eat, drink, and be entertained. I really didn't expect to stumble across a little peek at a spanking scene. But that's what I found.
The movie was The Amateurs, starring Jeff Bridges, Ted Danson, Judy Greer and Lauren Graham, to name a few. Lauren Graham (Gilmore Girls) and Judy Greer (Arrested Development) are only in the movie for about 5 minutes, so saying they are "starring" is a bit of a stretch.
Jeff Bridges plays Andy. Andy lives in a small town, and is going through a bad patch. He can't get and keep a job. His wife divorces him, taking his son with him, and now she's with an incredibly rich man who can give Andy's son anything he wants--the boy's room is a basketball half-court, complete with scoreboard. Andy, needless to say, is not happy with where his life is. As he puts it, "I'd had enough of not having enough."
One day he's sitting in the local bar, thinking--always a bad sign--while his friends sit nearby, and he finally makes a decision. He stands up and announces to his friends, "We're going to make a porno!"
It's hardly a new premise for a movie. We've seen it before--high school boys make a porno film; college guys make a porno film. Now it's small town folks make a porno film. Not exactly uncharted territory, here. In the first two examples, though, the plot line is primarily an excuse to trot out a lot of T&A shots and rake in some dough as a Summer release. The Amateurs, however, has something those other films don't--heart.
This is, ultimately, a film about love--love between friends, love of family, love between two people. It's what drives most of the main characters, and some of the minor ones. Even the closest thing this movie has to a villain is motivated by the love he has for his sister. I find it an oddly sentimental and endearing film.
The spanking? Ah, yes. I did mention a little scene, didn't I?
The writer/director in the movie, who is Some Idiot--that's not a judgment, by the way; that's what his friends have named him--and his cameraman have just filmed the obligatory Lesbian scene for the movie (because every good porno has to have at least one good Lesbian scene). The guys are gathered at Andy's to watch the raw footage, and we--as the viewing audience--are watching them watching the film. The two girls that agreed to do the shoot turn out an amazing performance, prompting Andy to proclaim, "We Love Lesbians". As the footage runs, we get a close-up of a bare-bottom spanking taking place. We see a couple of spanks, and then the camera pulls back giving us a better view of the two ladies, one applying the spanks while the other one lies over her lap, her legs bent at the knees and kicking in the air. That's really all we see. There's only a few spanks delivered, and they look very light and playful. Later in the movie, when they start to edit it together, we get another little glimple of the spanking, but it looks very much like the same footage we already saw.
The movie clocks in at 96 minutes. If you're looking for a little light entertainment, you might consider taking a look at The Amateurs. I wouldn't suggest buying it, but you can rent it from your favorite local movie store.
Skip the pizza, though.