Monday, August 26, 2024

At Her Majesty's Request



Susan said...

The worst sign I've ever seen in a car is, "Little Princess on board." The queen in the picture knows just how to deal with a little princess.

Anonymous said...

The best way to address a spoiled brat, especially a female is for a mature woman to give her the sound spanking she needs and being a mature woman knows all the tricks that the spoiled brat will use to stop the spanking, but will not work. Jack

Jimc said...

Great find.I always thought of a queen spanking a princess or a lady in waiting and this is fantastic.although knowing some of the history of the time it could be a whipping girl who would get punished for the actions of the princess or other noble woman and in any case the spankee is quite pretty.thanks for sharing enjoy your day.

Dr. Ken said...

Susan -- The woman driving the car must have a very high opinion about

Dr. Ken said...

Jack -- Well, it is ONE way...not necessarily the "best" way. A male spanker such as myself is well aware of those tricks, too, and won't let any of them stop him from reddening her bottom.

Dr. Ken said...

Jim -- Very good point about it possibly being a whipping girl