Wednesday, July 19, 2023

In The Pink


The young pink-haired girl on the right is feeling rather smart and sassy because she just talked back to her mom with what she considered to be a clever remark...

And this is her mom's pink-bottomed reply to her as mom does some back-talk of her own--back end talk, that is!


Anonymous said...

The Bath Brush in the hands of a older woman, means a very red, warm stingy bare bottom. Trust me as a male, my wife applies the Bath Brush, and gets the results she wants. Jack

Dr. Ken said...

Jack -- I still prefer the good old hairbrush, but the bath brush can certainly do the trick.

Jimc said...

I like them both,but a bath brush is usually heavier than a hairbrush because it has to resist water and soap.great find.thanks enjoy your day.

Dr. Ken said...

Jim -- Very true.