Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Time For Reflection

A little corner time never hurt anyone...the actual SPANKING, on the other hand...


Susan said...

Corner time, whether before after or without spanking is excellent for humbling and removing the entitlement factor

Dr. Ken said...

Susan -- Absolutely. It also helps the lady in the corner focus on what she's done to deserve such treatment. And if it looks like her mind is wandering--well, there's ways to get her to refocus. :-)

Anonymous said...

I remember a college girl I dated, a tease. I finally gave her a spanking, had her stand in the corner. What made this was the spanking was given at her place, my worse nightmare was her mother dropped by, saw her daughter, looked at me and said very nice, reached in her purse, pulled out a hairbrush, handed it to me, works wonders. She added my daughter been needing a spanking for sometime. Shocked, but we talked and when she left, remember, hairbrush works wonders.

Anonymous said...

Red-headed Alison Miller is rubbing her sore cheeks - - I'm sure she knows the "no-touching or rubbing" directive. Now we have to start all over again!

Dr. Ken said...

Anonymous -- A well-applied hairbrush is a wonderful thing.

Anonymous -- I'm sure Alison is familiar with it, but we don't know when the picture was taken so she may not yet have been given that instruction. For that matter, whoever did the spanking may not have given that directive at all! So while I certainly wouldn't mind having the lovely lady over my knee once or twice, let's not be so quick to assume that starting over is warranted.