Saturday, April 15, 2023

Spankable Saturday



Jimc said...

Great spankables.I really love the first one. It does look like there is a new vehicle on the road now a spankingmobile as are the women are bare-bottomed and do look like they are ready to be spanked.great finds.thank you.enjoy your day.

Dr. Ken said...

Jim -- What if that "spankmobile" worked like a mobile library. It would go through your neighborhood, you could take one girl out and spank her, and then they drive on to the next neighborhood...

Jimc said...

Sign me up it would be like the ice cream truck everyone running out with their library card instead of a quarter and clamouring to be first.of course I would like to know how long they could be checked out for before they had to be returned. The seats would have to be cooling seats instead of heated seats because the girls themselves will be providing the heated seats.have a great day.

Dr. Ken said...

Jim -- Unfortunately, unlike a real library, you probably couldn't check her out of the mobile library and keep her for a few days...Due to popular demand, you probably wouldn't be able to get more than 5 minutes of spanking time. Of course, 5 minutes might be all that's needed!