Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Toon Tuesday



Dufus said...

#6 looks like an original from the '40s or 50's but it is showing a lot of skin for that period.

Jimc said...

Great toons. I love the first one the best. Olive Oyl is not my favorite spankee, but she was oft spanked by Popeye so I am aware of most of her spankings. The one that shows the aftermath of a spanking is outstanding. Great finds. Thanks for sharing and have a great day.

Norse Cavalier said...

The sixth image is a picture of the character Katy Keene, drawn by Hugob00m. It's a modern parody of 60s comics - the artist has drawn a lot of them. See Chicago Spanking Review for more.

gentbb said...

Great mix Love the Popeye one!