Monday, July 1, 2024

The Rent Is Due On The First

 And you know what happens if you don't have it!


Susan said...

The look on her face makes me wonder if getting a spanking might be preferable to paying the rent.

Anonymous said...

Love the look on her face, esp. her eyes. (Can't believe I wrote that on a spanking blog with a beautiful girl 'gettin' it')


Jimc said...

I always thought that was a perfect rent for a beautiful woman. Love her expression as it does seem that she does like the paying of rent that way.of course in July it is supposed to provide fireworks. Great find thanks for sharing.

Dr. Ken said...

Susan -- I'm sure many women would think so. Unfortunately, it's probably not "either/or"--it's very likely a case of being spanked now for not having the rent on time AND then having to come up with actual money ASAP.

A.J. -- Well, considering that's about all I post here...

Jim --"Ladies, I have a spare bedroom I'm willing to lease, and the rent structure is very simple..."