Thursday, May 23, 2024

Thursday's GIF



AussieJenny said...

Hi! Dr. Ken, I love the trilogy with Keith Jones and Erica Scott. Bye for now, Aussie Jenny.

Dr. Ken said...

AussieJenny -- Two of the greats. Keith is always awesome, and what good things can I say about Erica Scott that haven't been said already? She's always amazing!

AussieJenny said...

Yes, I have the video of Stand Corrected with Devlin O’Neil and some of her others, I have all of Dev’s Video’s even his last one that he told me not to Get as it was to much for “ his girls” to watch, but I bought it after he passed away when he couldn’t yell at me over the weblog. Bye for now, Jenny.

Jimc said...

Yes,I had this one myself when my collection was complete. Thanks for sharing and reminding me of parts of my collection lobby gone.enjoy your day.

Dr. Ken said...

AussieJenny -- I've seen his video with Erica and enjoyed it, of course. As I said, she's just amazing. As for you, Jenny--buying his video even after he told you not to? Just another reason you should be spanked! 😁

Jim -- I don't even want to think about what my collection would look like if I hadn't gone that same period (over and over again) of getting material, throwing it out, getting material, throwing it out, downloading material, deleting it...all for one reason or another. Right now I'm hanging on to stuff and putting it on the blog...but I have no doubt there will come a time when I get rid of everything again. Hopefully not for years, though...

AussieJenny said...

😟😇Bye for now, Aussie Jenny

Dr. Ken said...

AussieJenny -- And just where do you think you're going, young lady?

AussieJenny said...

Oops!!! NOWHERE???

Dr. Ken said...

AussieJenny -- That's right! I also would have accepted, "Over your knee" and/or "Standing in the corner"...

AussieJenny said...

Well i’m sure lucky to be living on the other side of the world then hey??? Still ❣️you, Bye for now, Aussie Jenny

Dr. Ken said...

AussieJenny -- Is that really "lucky", though? ♥♥ to you, too

AussieJenny said...
