Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Toon Tuesday



Jimc said...

Great toons.I always enjoy the older toons as it reminds me that spankings are timeless not just something that is some fad.I like the animation one as the expressions are outstanding.the second to last one is one that is hard to figure it looks almost like a camp spanking as both spanker and spankee are in shorts,but they seem more uniform than regular summer shorts.although it also looks like it is a bedroom spanking with what's on the wall so I am not sure who the spanker is either( mother,aunt,camp director even boyfriend, etc) but I do enjoy that is otk.great finds thanks for sharing and have a great day.

Dr. Ken said...

Jim -- A long, long time ago, some caveman put down his club and put his cavewoman over his knee and smacked the prominent part, and it's been a thing ever since...