Monday, August 5, 2019

Alphabet Soup -- Z

"Z" is for Nik Zula--


Enzo said...

Nik Zula is great!
Love the first one in particular.

smuccatelli said...

I like Nik Zula's stuff too. I especially like the last one, the "Blondie" reference with Mr. Dithers spanking Cookie Bumstead. Would've LOVED to see that one in the comics section when I was a boy... ;-)

Jimc said...

I love your Z selection. Your alphabet series has been wonderful.well one on all your work in organizing them and all the great ones you used. Pixie,Rosaleen,Batman,Xmen and the rest of the spanking artists,models and companies you used.Thanks again for all you do with your blog.Have a great day.

Dr. Ken said...

Enzo -- Thank goodness the last name started with "Z".... lol

smuccatelli -- And such a good caricature, too!

Jim -- Thanks, Jim. I have a lot of Nik Zula to post, but no other "Zs" planned, so this is going to wrap up the Alphabet soup series nicely.