Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Subtracting And Adding

As I promised in an earlier post, I have started the process of going through the blog roll to see what blogs are being kept up-to-date, and which blogs aren't. Somewhat to my surprise, of the first ten blogs I looked at, I wound up deleting 7 of them for one reason or another.

People start blogs for a variety of reasons. They're new to spanking and want to chronicle their thoughts and experiences. They're old hands at spanking and want to share their wisdom and advice. They've started a new spanking or DD relationship and want to document it each step of the way. Or maybe they just feel they have something to say on the subject.

People stop writing their blogs for many reasons, as well. That spanking or DD relationship goes sour. They realize they don't have as much to say on the subject as they thought--and what they do have to say has already been written in hundreds of other blogs. They discover that blogging takes up too much of their time, and they just don't have the minutes or hours to devote to it anymore. They worry that, although writing under a false name, someone has figured out who they really are.

Consequently, I wind up with a blog roll of very promising blogs where the last entry is from 2009. At this rate, by the time I'm done the blog roll will consist of Pixie's blog, Devlin and Poppy's blog, Chross, Sarah Gregory, and a link to Pizza Hut.

Thankfully, while I'm dumping old blogs, new ones pop up every day. Sometimes they're not even new--they're just blogs I hadn't seen before. And if I read them and like them, then the blog roll should fill up again quite nicely.

So let me take a minute to introduce the newest addition to my blog roll, No Domme Blonde, and intelligent and funny blog from a very intelligent, funny and lovely lady. If you're familiar with it, you'll welcome it's addition to the blog roll. If you've never seen it before, click on the link and check it out. I think it'll become a favorite of yours. Please leave a comment and let the author know how much you appreciate what she's doing--and, as always, tell her that Dr. Ken sent you.


OnHerKnee said...

There was a time when I would delete quiet blogs from my blogroll on my other blog... But no more. I've had a few pop back alive and I sort by last post date so if a few drop to the bottom it doesn't bother me a bit.

I've also found my blog dropped from a few others because people thought it wasn't tended or they just deleted the wrong one.

Dr. Ken said...

OnHerKnee--If any of these pop back to life, I'll think Easter came early.....
I'd rather try to keep the blog roll current and active.

Radha said...

Thanks so much for keeping me on your blogroll, Dr. Ken!! I'm hoping to get back to blogging there soon and seeing it still on your list was a big boost!

Now it's me sending you the hugs, yet keeping the spanks for myself!

Dave said...

No Domme Blonde--best play on words for the name of a spanko blog I've heard :-)

Dr. Ken said...

Radha--There are going to be some blogs--like yours--that I'm not going to delete, even though they might fit my criteria for elimination. I look forward to seeing your blog spring back to life!
And no need to keep the spanks for yourself--I'd be happy to give you plenty more! :-)

Dave--You are correct. I think the blog title is sheer genius, and really sets the tone.