I first heard that song on a trip out West in Colorado Springs, Colorado at a place called The Flying W Ranch. A working ranch by day, at night it was open to tourists who were given a chuckwagon supper--biscuit, beans, baked potato and sliced beef with gravy, and either coffee or lemonade to drink, served up on a tin plate and tin cup that had seen better days--and then the Flying W Wranglers top the evening off with their Western Stage Show outdoors under the stars (or at an indoor facility if the weather doesn't cooperate), a mix of cowboy classics, some newer songs like the one I posted, and humor. I remember only vague details, but the humor was corny and the music had some of the sweetest harmony you can imagine.
The Flying W still operates today, and at 54 years, the Flying W Wranglers are the second oldest western singing group. Needless to say, the group has undergone a number of personnel changes (and the food is probably better, too) but if you're going to be in Colorado, you might want to make this one of your stops.
Anyway--didn't mean for this to turn into an ad for the Flying W--back to the post with the song. I considered a number of photos to use with the song--most of them found onthe web site Cu-Cu, I believe--and wound up with more pictures than I needed. My first thought was for all the photos to be of ladies in cowboy hats. It seemed appropriate. I eventually settled on two photos with hats, and two without, and I'm happy with the ones I picked.
And yes, I did consider turning the song into a parody, using the word "spanking" in place of "chasing". Ultimately I dropped that idea, figuring the lyrics of the original song were cute enough and would suffice, especially with the photos interspersed between the verses and the chorus.
Here, just for the heck of it, are the photos I considered but didn't use. And believe me, the last two were strong contenders right to the very end!