However, I have to admit--THIS kid, I like.....

He's gonna grow up to be one of us, I'm tellin ya right now.....
Parental Advisory--Adult Content-- Mature Adults Only--NSFW
And yes, that's Christina Applegate's bottom getting warmed at the very very end of the movie, The Sweetest Thing.
More TV and spanking talk--
Gene Simmon's Family Jewels seems to me to be one of the more scripted "reality shows". I don't mean that they're all memorizing lines of dialogue. I think the situations they find themselves in each episode, however, are all planned out well in advance. I watch and enjoy the show regardless.
One bit they always do is having two or more of the family sitting on a red couch talking toward the camera discussing some aspect of their lives or what's going on in that episode. In this past season, the mom (Shannon Tweed) is on the couch with 16-year old daughter, Sophie. Shannon says that when it came to discipline, Gene was--I'm paraphrasing here, but I think the word used was "absent"--and she added that "he'd wait for me to come home and spank you." At which point Sophie looks down and away from her mom, and gets an odd expression on her face. I get the feeling it was part embarassment, part "MOM, ix-nay on the anking-spay" sort of thing. And Shannon suddenly seems to realize it, too, because she backtracks and hesitantly says, 'I never spanked you, did I?". Sophie says, "No," very sweetly and Shannon, trying to make a joke out of it, fake-smacks Sophie's arm and in a harsh voice demands, "DID I?"
The little vignette ends with Sophie laughing it off with one of the most forced, faked laughs I've ever heard. Which leads me to believe that yes, there were indeed times when some spanking went on in the Simmons household, and that they had probably agreed privately among the family at some point that these incidents were never going to be mentioned on the show.
And--like everything else--I could be totally wrong about that. The curse of an active imagination.......
Finally, we come to a quote from "Grey's Anatomy" star Patrick Dempsey, pictured here with his wife, Jillian Fink:
Do I really need to tell you what I like about this photo?
And finally, I'm going to re-visit the Jessica Simpson photo I ran a couple of posts ago. When I first went looking for a photo of her wardrobe malfunction from her appearance on "Good Morning America" I could only find one photo--a high resolution photo that I used in the post. My computer, though, is about 10 years old and doesn't handle high-res photos that well sometimes. And on my computer, the Jessica Simpson photo just didn't look quite right. (Perhaps it looks okay to you--I don't know.) But now that a few more days have passed, there are other copies of the photo out there, and I found one that looks good on my computer (along with a close-up).
Thanks to everyone who drops by my blog. That's the best birthday present I could ask for. And go out and do something special for yourselves on my birthday. We may as well all celebrate!