Thursday, January 31, 2008
"Would you like to play?"

Tuesday, January 29, 2008
"Spank the Virgin"

In my previous post, I talked about the spanking references in the Castle Anthrax scene in the movie. In the computer game, when you reach the castle, you play a small mini-game called, "Spank the Virgin".
The game play is simple--on the monitor is a picture of Sir Galahad in a bed. When the game starts, pictures of women (in the style of Terry Gilliam cut-outs) pop up here and there on the screen: some in lingerie, some nude. In some cases it's not even an entire figure--just a pair of buttocks, for example. As they come up, you try to click your mouse on them. If you succeed, Sir Galahad's arm elongates to where you clicked, there's a smacking sound, and I believe you hear a woman's voice then oohing or owwing or giggling. However, as the name of the game implies, you only get points if you spank the virgins and you lose points if you thwack some other more worldly lass.
How could you tell who was who? The virgins are the ones wearing underwear!
It will probably come as no surprise to you to learn that once I reached this section, I never managed to get any further in the game.....
There really should be more computer games or console games with spankings in them. Oh, I know there are some here and there, but the spanking usually takes place in a cut scene and all you can do is watch as it rolls by. You don't usually get to control the characters or their actions--and that's really where the fun is.
Do you hear that, XBox and Playstation? We want spanking games--start programming them now!
Just imagine how much fun a spanko game could be on the Wii? :-)
Saturday, January 26, 2008
And Now....Back To The Spanking
However, it did put me in mind of another scene. There is no spanking involved--it's actually only a spanking reference--but it still stands out. I'm talking about the scene in Castle Anthrax in the movie, Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
If you haven't seen the movie--Go! Buy! Rent! I find the movie hilarious, and hopefully you will, too.
The story--Sir Galahad is in search of the Holy Grail, and sees a "vision" of it in the sky over a castle. He enters the edifice and is greeted by a young lady named Zoot, who welcomes him to Castle Anthrax. The castle's sole inhabitants are a group of women between the ages of 18 and 18 1/2 who spend their days "dressing......undressing.......knitting exciting underwear."
Zoot leaves, instructing some of the other girls to see to Galahad's needs, but Galahad will have none of it, and starts searching the castle for the Grail, only to eventually run into Zoot's identical twin sister, Dingo. When she learns why Galahad is there, she mutters about, "Bad, wicked, evil, naughty Zoot." Zoot has apparently been lighting their beacon, which is Grail-shaped. And there is only one punishment in Castle Anthrax for lighting the Grail-shaped beacon, she proclaims. "You must tie her to the bed....and spank her!"
Upon hearing this, all the other girls begin jumping up and down and clapping their hands, crying, "A spanking! A spanking!" (There's that enthusiasm I was talking about......)
And, Dingo continues, after he spanks Zoot? "Spank me."
Several of the girls shout out, "And me!" "And me!"
"And after the spanking", Dingo adds, "The Oral Sex."
At which point, Galahad decides that the quest for the Grail can wait and he can stay "a bit longer".
It sadly never happens--Galahad is "rescued" by other knights before it does--but it's a lovely scene, nonetheless. And you have to admire all the ladies eagerness to be "punished"!
Friday Night Sports Talk
Yes, the Wolves did eventually lose the game, but only by 1 point! And Minnesota actually had the lead a good deal of the time, and had the ball for a final shot that could have won the game.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Shoot 'Em Up, part 2
Shoot 'Em Up

The movie Shoot 'Em Up is now out on DVD. As some of you may know, there is a small spanking scene in this film.
The scene takes place in a museum. Our Hero (Clive) is trying to create a diversion, and he spots a mother (Laura DeCarteret, pictured above) threatening her child with a spanking if he doesn't behave. She then smacks his backside a few times.
Taking advantage of the opportunity, he walks over to her and tells her not to do that. She basically tells him to mind his own business. He then hauls her to her feet. Holding her arm, Clive then begins to smack her bottom, asking her how does she like it, doesn't feel so good, now does it, etc. The woman's son is shown pointing at his mother and laughing while this is going on. Diversion complete, Clive lets go of her and leaves her standing there.
In the film commentary, the writer/director Michael Davis mentions that the woman playing the mother had been excitedly telling her friends for weeks before the scene was shot that she was going to be spanked by Clive Owen, and that she was very excited about the scene. They filmed the scene and, the director added, "She loved it!" No mention on whether she deliberately blew the scene so that they would have to film it over and over again.
The spanking is filmed from the front, so you see the woman's reaction to it, but really don't see much of the actual spanking. It's a nice humorous bit in a film that definitely needed one, but all in all, not that great a scene.
If you saw the film, tell me what you thought of it.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Spanking? Really??

Just to clarify--we're not talking about parenting tips here. This blog will never be about the spanking of children. I'm talking about spanking as a form of play between two consenting adults....the key word being "consenting". Forget about fantasy--forget about any spanking fiction you may have read. Nobody is being forced into doing anything against their will. Spanker and Spankee are happily engaging in something that fills some sort of need for them-- mental, emotional, physical, or some combination of all three. They're doing it because they want to do it. Period.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Fearless Football Forecast
No, I'm not saying I NEED 2-P (although, now that you mention it).....
2-P refers to the teams I believe are going to win, so here's my prediction: Patriots over the Chargers, and Packers over the Giants.
The majority of people I've heard-- from the local paper to ESPN to KFAN sports talk radio--seem to be of the same opinion, so I'm not exactly going out on a limb with these picks.
And hey, I could be wrong. One of the other teams could win. That's why they play the game. We'll just have to wait and see. So until it's all over, we're left with this thought:
"2-P or not 2-P......That is the question......"
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
I go by the name of Dr. Ken. I'm a single male, age 56, living near Minneapolis in the Land of 10,000 lakes. I've been a spanko all my life, and have lived in Minnesota all my life. Hence the name of this blog.
And the name wasn't easy to come by, let me tell you! At first, I considered simply calling it "Dr. Ken's Blog". Then I realized a lot of people would come to the blog thinking it was something medical, or looking for a doctor's advice, and be P.O.'ed when they realized that wasn't what it was all about. So I scratched that idea. (I'll talk more about the "Dr. Ken" nickname at a later time.)
Next it was going to be "Spanking, Sports, and Spouting Off". I like spanking--I'm a top, or spanker, or whatever term you prefer to use, btw--I'm a big fan of most of Minnesota's professional sports teams, and I figured the "spouting off" part would allow me to talk about any subject that came to mind--movies, books, music, TV, etc. I rejected that, as well.
So, I simplified. I'm a spanker, I live in Minnesota--no need to get more elaborate than that.
And so, ta-da! A blog is born. There will be growing pains as I get used to all this. Bear with me.
The subject of adult consensual spanking will be the main thrust here, but I also intend to cover other subjects. I'll still be "spouting off", even if that part is no longer in the blog title. I'm not going to limit myself when it comes to topics.
Hopefully, you'll enjoy what you read. Feel free to visit often.
The Doctor is: IN............