Saturday, July 27, 2024

Spankable Saturday



Hermione said...

Hi Dr Ken,

I love the kitchen in the second one!


Dr. Ken said...

Hermione -- I really wasn't looking at the

Chronic Excessive Manliness said...

Great photos. You come up with fantastic ones..always.

Anonymous said...

WHAT!?! What were you looking at?


Jimc said...

I love the second to last one as far as favorites on this group of beauties.I do love all of them,but certain poses and expressions say Spank me more than others.Great finds thanks for sharing and enjoy your day.

Dr. Ken said...

Chronic Excessive Manliness -- Thank you. I browse the internet, find pictures that appeal to me, and then post them hoping those viewing this blog will like them as much as I do. Seems to be working. lol

Betsy -- The tray of cookies she's holding, obviously. You should be spanked for even asking...😉

Jim -- I agree. Prone and "bottoms up" just says "spankable".