Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Asked And Answered



"Okay, I'm sorry, I deserve to be spanked, but please don't pull my pants down!!"



Anonymous said...

Jeans down spankings are the best! It perfectly frames the girl's bare ass and makes the reddened cheeks glow even more.

Susan said...

Those who spank over clothing should be asked, "What have those jeans (knickers, skirt or whatever) done to deserve this?"

Jimc said...

Great series.I love the captions.thanks for all you share.enjoy your day.

Dr. Ken said...

Umbrella -- Bare bottom spankings are the best. Well, any spanking, really...

Susan -- Guilt by association?

Jim -- Sometimes the captions just sort of suggest themselves!

Susan said...

Dr Ken
I only know clean living clothing.

Dr. Ken said...

Susan == Sounds like a very laundered and folded existence... :-)

Susan said...

LOL Nice crack

Dr. Ken said...

Susan -- I have my moments...LOL