Monday, October 31, 2022

Happy Halloween


Thanks to Wolfietoons for this monstrous Halloween wish


Hermione said...

What if his hand falls off? Now that's scary!


Dr. Ken said...

Hermione -- If his hand falls off, he should pick it up and use it like a paddle. lol

Dave Wolfe said...

Thanks for sharing one of my favorite Halloween 'toons, Doc!
The hand-as-a-paddle idea is great-- I might haveta steal it!
Well, if I do, I'll give you credit!
There was the earlier cartoon where the Bride's seat got spanked off! He apparently learned some moderation afterwards!

Dr. Ken said...

Dave Wolfe --It's one of my favorites, too. I grew up watching all those late night monster movies--Frankenstein, Wolfman, Dracula--and, of course, "Bride Of Frankenstein" was one of them. It would have been a very different movie if, after she reacts badly to seeing Frankenstein, he pulled her over his knee and spanked her! And feel free to use that "hand-as-a-paddle" anytime you want!