Saturday, July 14, 2012

Sounds Like......

We're nearing the end of July, and that means that Chicago Crimson Moon will once again be hosting a spanking party in their home state of Illinois.  And I don't know if it's the influence of Fifty Shades Of Grey, or just good word of mouth, but by all accounts this may be the most well-attended party in Crimson Moon's  19-year history.

I recently received a message from a lady who apparently had been asking questions of some of the CM veterans.  She wanted to know if I was planning on attending the July party, because I "sounded like a great spanker".

Which led me to wonder:  what does a great spanker sound like?

After giving it some thought, I can only conclude that, in the mind of a spankee, a great spanker must sound something like this........


Followed mentally by.......

                   (choir sings):  "Alllllllllllllll-leluia......."

(And in case anyone is wondering, yes, I will be attending the July party in Chicago.  If you're attending as well, please feel free to come up to me and say, "Hi".  I'd enjoy meeting you.  And, of course, if you're a lady interested in playing, let me know that, too!  I'm sure we could work something out.....)


sixofthebest said...

Dr. Ken. Let me be the first person to congratulate you on winning Nik Zula's caption contest. Well done.

Dr. Ken said...

xisofthebest--thank you. It's quite a kick to have my caption selected and to see it on Nik's site...