"Forty-one million, two hundred twenty thousand, seven hundred and three.....Thank you, Sir, may I have another?......Forty-one million, two hundred twenty thousand, seven hundred and 4.....Thank you, Sir, may I have another?.......Forty-one million, two hundred twenty thousand, seven hundred and....."
Very cute picture and description, Dr. Ken. Forty million, huh? Can anyone EVER take that many in one setting? LOL!
Hi Pest,
If Dr. Ken could deliver that many in one setting, he'd be well on his way to the one billion spanks goal from a few posts ago. Just 960,000,000 more to go! :-)
PEST--Well, the judge awarded her 46.8 million in her divorce settlement from Paul McCartney. I just think that 46.8 million of these is more along the lines of what she deserves....
SEASON--Would I have to put up a sign, like McDonalds? "Over 1 Billion Spanks"....
Dr. Ken
Great idea! What logo would you replace the golden arches with? What kinds of spankings would be on the menu? Replace the Big Mac with the Big Doc?
Overheard at the counter:
"Would you like corner time with that?"
"Want to Super Size that?"
Overhead from the kitchen:
"Hey, where did all the spatulas go?"
That is where I have heard that name before! *Pest bops her forehead feeling like a total idiot*
Season, great idea! I would laugh my butt off if I could ever hear that in a McDonald's. LOL!
GWEN: That woman is so wicked she doesn't *deserve* a spanking.
I Love Paul.
Oh, great--I come back from Chicago and the first thing I have to do is delete a "comment" from some spammer. Sorry, this is not the place to "advertise" your get-ME-rich-quick idiocy. I will delete any similiar messages, and if I have to start moderating the comments, I will.
SEASON--Actually, we could probably just repaint the Golden Arches pink--the very top of it would look like an upturned bottom, and then we could touch up the top part of the M with some red. And instead of the Big Mac, how about "The Big Smack"? Comes with toasted buns...
GWEN--the woman is certifiable, if you ask me. She gets 46.8 million (or whatever the figure is) and whines how it's not enough. Well, fine--give it to me, then! I think I could do just fine on 46 million!
The biggest laugh came when she was talking about Paul already being off to somewhere, flying first class while apparently poor baby Beatrice will have to fly coach! Uh. lady--46 MILLION! You can afford a frikkin' first class ticket!
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