Friday, January 31, 2025

Friday's Scream Queen



fatherjim said...

Dr. Ken

One of her best still shots. She always seemed to truly emote when filming with this actor. Thanks for sharing!


Dan said...

Over the rolled arm of a couch seems like the perfect place to administer a sound paddling… which she is clearly not enjoying.

O and P spanking stories said...

Black knickers with a white dress!
Well deserved spanking!
B ;)

AussieJenny said...

Where did my comment go???

Dr. Ken said...

fatherjim -- Well, she's certainly emoting her butt off here!

Dr. Ken said...

Dan -- It could also be done in the OTK position--and I'm sure she would not enjoy that, either!

Dr. Ken said...

B -- Gee, it's almost like she was deliberately trying to make you look at her bottom or something...

Dr. Ken said...

Try sending it again. It seems like sometimes they don't make it to me.

AussieJenny said...

I said I don’t llke any dark underwear showing through light clothing agreeing with Susan. Bye for now, Aussie Jenny. I hope you got it this time Dr. Ken!

Dr. Ken said...

AussieJenny -- As you can, it certainly made it to me this time.