Saturday, August 24, 2024

Spankable Saturday



Jimc said...

I love the first one as her bottom does look like her pants were painted on her and really does show off her beautiful bottom.All great spankables.thank you for all you share and have a great day.

AussieJenny said...

Hi! Dr. Ken, the first one isn’t wearing undies, I wonder what her husband thinks??? she is in public after all! Bye for now, Aussie Jenny.

Anonymous said...

where did you find the first one?

Dr. Ken said...

On the internet, and I wish people would stop asking me that. I do internet searches using very broad subject lines--any photos I use here come from that. They're not always identified, and I don't take notes on every photo (or any photo, for that matter).

Dr. Ken said...

Jim -- Yes, those pants definitely hug every curve.

AussieJenny -- She may not have a husband. Maybe she's looking for one...

AussieJenny said...

One way to get one I suppose. Bye for now, Aussie Jenny

Dr. Ken said...

AussieJenny -- Looking like that, she's either going to attract a potential suitor or a spanking