Monday, August 12, 2024

A Bridal Spanking Party, Maybe?


And me without an invitation...!


Susan said...

It can't be bridesmaids in black outfits... surely not!

AussieJenny said...

Afraid so Susan, that’s the fashion now, not nice hey? Bye for now, Aussie Jenny. HI! Dr. Ken.

Susan said...

Nice? Well I can't upset Dr Ken by writing how i really feel so I'll just say politely Yuck!

gentbb said...

Now that's a wedding I would have liked to have attended. Bridesmaids were always the most fun and these have a good start.

AussieJenny said...

Yes, yuck but best to keep Dr. Ken happy!!! Bye for now, Aussie Jenny.

Jimc said...

I was going to say a little black dress cocktail party and the bride did not get the message as she does look embarrassed first that the rest of the party is bare bottomed and she is not or that she is wearing white after labor day and she has just commuted a fashion faux paux. Great finds thanks for sharing and enjoy your day.

Dr. Ken said...

Susan -- Sure it can. Why not? The groom is (usually) in black suit and tie with a white shirt. I'm guessing the bride decided to carry on the "black and white" theme.

AussieJenny -- I'm hoping more pictures like this become the fashion.

Dr. Ken said...

gentbb -- Being a bridesmaid might make some ladies start thinking more seriously about becoming a bride. A cute little black dress might get someone interested--who knows?

Dr. Ken said...

Susan, AussieJenny -- Don't want me to be upset? Want to keep me happy? Come here and get over my knee--I'll be smiling for days! lol

Dr. Ken said...

Jim -- The most common complaint from bridesmaids is having to spend money on a dress that they're never going to wear again. These little black dresses, though--they can easily wear them again and again.

AussieJenny said...

I’m glad I Live on the other side of the world then, even though I would love to meet you Dr. Ken, I will be going to the States one of these days to meet with someone I have been chatting online to for nearly 3 years now and going to Dysneyland and Graceland. MY girlfriend and I where supposed to meet Devlin O’Neil, he even had a signed book for me but he passed away.

Dr. Ken said...

So, you don't want me to be happy? :-)

AussieJenny said...

Of course I do, just not at my expense!!!

AussieJenny said...

Susan, see what you got us into?//. 😇

Susan said...

I merely expressed a dislike of black for a bridesmaid outfit. I am, as always, purely innocent. I never have to shine my halo because it just glows all by itself. I'm sorry Jimc, Aussie Jenny and anyone else who likes that colour on a bridesmaid I still think it's yuck.

AussieJenny said...

HI! Susan, you musn’t have read my reply to you property, I agreed with you. The late blogger Devlin O’Neil used to have a little emoji of an angel with a slipped halo, I miss him still. Bye for now, Aussie Jenny.

Susan said...

Aussie Jenny you are right so my most humble apologies. A case of too much haste and not enough speed. My excuse is here it is allegedly summer and schools and colleges are closed so the family are all here and driving me insane

AussieJenny said...

Hi! Susan, here in Australia its coming into spring soon, can’t wait for the warmer weather, one of these years I hope to escape some of this cold weather for 3 weeks in America, that’s the only time span we have with our pension organisers. 🙁 Bye for now, Aussie Jenny, Hi Dr. Ken!

Susan said...

Aussie Jenny our summer has been wet and cold at least here in Lancashire (think Oregon for a US comparison). Miserable

Dr. Ken said...

AussieJenny -- Oh, I'd do it for free and for fun and for the pleasure of meeting you. No expense on your part for that... :-) (And don't throw Susan under the bus like that...)

Dr. Ken said...

Susan -- Halo? Something else of yours needs to be glowing, young lady...

AussieJenny said...

Dr Ken!! I didn’t throw Susan under no 🚍 she just didn’t read my comment properly. Bye for now Aussie Jenny.

Susan said...

Dr Ken: Aussie Jenny is right. Tis my fault I didn't read the post properly. I have eight full time family in residence plus assorted bodies coming and going. I am feeling frazzled so that is my excuse.

Dr. Ken said...

AussieJenny -- "I DIDN'T throw Susan under NO bus"--double negative! So you admit it....

Dr. Ken said...

Susan -- "Tis my fault I didn't read the post properly"--So you admit it! I was right--you both should be spanked! (AussieJenny--DisneyWorld is my favorite destination. I'm sure you'll have a great time!)

AussieJenny said...

Sorry Dr. Ken, we just can’t, we’ll I can’t stop wanting to tease you a bit.🤭😇

Dr. Ken said...

AussieJenny -- No need to apologize--I expect nothing less. Much the same way, you know, that I then can't stop threatening to put you and Susan over my knee for a good bare-bottom spanking. That's the way this is played, that's where the fun is...or at least part of the fun...♥

Susan said...

Dr Ken I am quite hurt. I am a pure and innocent soul. Not sure about Aussie Jenny maybe she is a wee bit naughty but me.

Dr. Ken said...

Susan -- Methinks the lady doth protest too much. Frequent palm-to-bottom application should help you maintain that "pure and innocent sout"--for a little while, anyway. And also, methinks AussieJenny is way more than "a wee bit" naughty... :-)

AussieJenny said...

Who me??? 😇😇😇

Dr. Ken said...

AussieJenny -- Yes, dear, you. That halo is only being held on by duct

AussieJenny said...


Dr. Ken said...

AussieJenny -- Aww, thanks. And a pat on the butt to you...♥

AussieJenny said...

That’s good, only a pat!!!

Susan said...

Aussie Jenny: Beware girl, your definition of 'pat' is not the same as Dr Ken's.

AussieJenny said...

Yeah! thanks Susan, Bye for now, Aussie Jenny.

Dr. Ken said...

For now, anyway...😉

Dr. Ken said...

Susan -- Actually, I think the definitions are the same. After all, her reply was ♥, so a friendly pat on the bottom seems appropriate...

Dr. Ken said...

AussieJenny -- Trust me, you'd know the difference between a pat and a sound smack from me...