Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Feeling Nostalgic?

The good old days, like Billy joel said in one of his songs, weren't always good. I think the young ladies in these drawings would probably agree with that sentiment.

It's hard to believe that some people would get nostalgic about being spanked in the long-ago-when-I-was-young days, but let's face it--some women needed that discipline and guidance. Luckily for them, these days there are plenty of boyfriends and husbands who are willing to take up where "Papa" left off!

I wonder if the artist traced or re-used the image of the spanking somehow. The spankee looks to be identical in each drawing. The spanker could be the same figure, too, with some minor changes made to his clothing, hair style and color, the glasses. It doesn't make the drawings any less enjoyable, mind you. It's just me being curious.

Click on the images to enlarge.


Raven Red said...

Growing up in a very conservative small South African town in my teens - this happened quite a bit to one of my friends!

I had the "pleasure" once or twice but then I was quite the rebellious teenager. Now look at me - all meek and mild! (GRIN)


Dr. Ken said...

Raven Red -- and being all "meek and mild", I'm sure you've never had a good, sound spanking in a long, long time. it must be difficult to be such a paragon of goodness. :-)

sixofthebest said...

Dr. Ken.. I love those olden golden days of yesteryear. When men as head of the household would discipline the naughty female's in the family. Yes bare female bottoms up, and panties down, and a good-old fashioned spanking was given to them, as depicted in these beautiful drawings.