For those of you just tuning in--when I'm at work, I listen to FM 107.1 here in Minnesota. It's one of the few radio stations that I can pick up inside the building. And in the afternoons from 3 p.m to 6 p.m. I listen to The Lori and Julia Show. It's 3 hours of interviews, reviews, and dishing the dirt--mostly the latter. You wouldn't think I'd enjoy a show like that, but it's done with such humor that I often find myself laughing out loud--and I'm all in favor of anything that can make me laugh while in the workplace!
It's an unusual pairing, to say the least. The two ladies are actually related by marriage--Lori is married to Julia's brother--and they play off of each other incredibly well. Julia gets ahead of herself while talking, and constantly gets people's names wrong--I can't tell you how many times she's referred to Jennifer Aniston as "Jennifer Anderson". And Lori....well, Lori has a dirty mind. Somehow they make it work.
Plus, I suspect that Lori just may be one of us--if not a total spanko, at least one who enjoys playing from time to time. She's dropped the "S" word into the middle of talk-show conversations often enough to make me suspicious.
(Lori and Julia, the Drive-Time Divas)
This past week, they were broadcasting live from the Minnesota State Fair, and Lori brought up an article she had seen in the morning paper. It was about "ManCave parties"--parties with products for men (the paper cleverly called it, "Manny Kay").
Julia didn't think much of the idea, and asked what sort of products were for sale at these parties.
The latest in outdoor grills, Lori responded. 34 different kinds of bratwurst. A beer cozy with a pager that belches when prompted. And, Lori said, "A 15-inch square spatula--good for flipping burgers and spanking!" She then added, "That's how I'd sell it."
When Julia and Donny, the show's producer, continued to pooh-pooh the idea of men attending parties like this, Lori's response was, "All I'm saying is, everybody needs a good spatula!"
Ya gotta love the woman......
Good coverage of a good program, Doc. I'd buy a 15-inch square spatula, but not if I had to go to a Manny Kay party to get it. Well, unless I could try it out on an appropriate target while I was there. But then it would be another sort of party altogether.
Good post! I wish I could listen to that. It's amazing how many spanking references you see, when you start looking for them.
Dev--of course, with these being "men only" parties, there would be a distinct lack of an appropriate target. But later on, I'm sure that someone like, oh, Poppy or CJ or Season might volunteer to help you break it in... :-)
Spanky--so true. The average person, of course, sees and hears nothing out of the ordinary. But if you keep your eyes and ears and mind open--you never know what you might come across!
Hey!!!! Nuh uhhhhh.
What's the matter, Season? Where's your scientific curiosity?
What's the matter, Season? Where's your scientific curiosity?
Hmmm ... sorry. No idea how that happened. My last comment really didn't bear repeating.
But Season! American Spanking Society went to the Dollar Store and found your favorite hand-shaped flyswatter! They've got pix and everything. Knew you'd be thrilled.
Season--you ain't fooling anybody. You deserve a good stingy spanking and you know it!
Dev--I think Season's scientific curiousity took the first bus out of town. As for the odd repeating post, don't worry about it. Clearly, the system hiccupped or something.
A hand-shaped fly-swatter, eh? Just the thing Season's bottom needs!
Okay--ONE of the things Season's bottom needs....
I think you're on the money Dr Ken and Lori sounds like a spanko to me. I drop it now and again at work mostly to see the reaction, usually all I get is vagueness or a nervous giggle.
Hey!!!! Nuh uhhhhh!
(who says some comments aren't worth repeating?)
Mina--I think she definitely has the spanking bug and, at the very least, enjoys it every now and then. As for dropping the "S" word into conversations--I've done the same thing, and with pretty much the same results. So far, no one's face has lit up while slipping me their phone number....
Season--since you seem to think some comments are worth repeating--
you ain't fooling anybody. You deserve a good stingy spanking and you know it!
I could just say that again and again and again....:-)
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