Monday, July 3, 2017

Alphabet Soup -- P

"P" is still for Panties--but this time, it's that moment when they get Pulled down causing the butterflies in the spankees stomach to take off again....


  1. great finds. Thanks for sharing. Thank you as always for sharing Chelsea getting a spanking i loved that movie as the best between Clair and Chelsea (Socceer Moms) as a great double spanking. I think this was a great title for these spankings (panties down) quite apt and quite a good selection. Thanks again and have a wonderful 4th of July and have a great day as well.

  2. Ooh! The best use of panties, that is, to be pulled down. Looks like Clare Fonda is in there twice and at least one of the "spankees" looks like Chelsea Pfieffer. Nice...

  3. Jim -- Chelsea is another of those wonderful Spankers that I like better as a spankee.

    smuccatelli -- Clare Fonda tends to pop up a lot....LOL
