Monday, November 16, 2009

After The Party

".....and then he spanked me!"

Because sometimes you've just got to tell someone.........


  1. I have two things to say.


    What beautiful dogs! I know lots of people will be looking at the delightful lady in the middle, but they are so cute!

    Secondly, the dog on the left looks like he has heard it all before. :)

  2. I agree with Poppy. It seems like that dog has heard it before. But if it was me, I wouldn't care. I'd tell about it again and again to anyone that would listen!
    Defintely sounds like a fun party!

  3. Poppy--I believe you're right. That dog is thinking, "Yeah, yeah....spanking, cuddles, chocolates, yadda yadda yadda..."

    Radha--and I'd definitely listen!

  4. Dogs are such good listeners. Cats, on the other hand, couldn't care less how the party was. All they care about are noms. Right, Crookshanks?

    Hermione and teh kitteh

  5. Hermione--I think it's because the loud smacking sound hurts their delicate tiny ears.....that, and their general, "It's all about ME" attitude....
