Thursday, July 31, 2014

Never Too Old

Awww....a Mother's love.  Isn't it wonderful?

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

On The Wedding Night

"Okay, I've never heard of a "Just Married Spanking" before, but...well, if it is, as you say, a family tradition.....

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Picture This

Some spanking panels from Dan........

Monday, July 28, 2014

Bonnie's Back!

Remember her?

As usual, I'm a little behind the times when it comes to this news, but Bonnie--who used to write the blog My Bottom Smarts not too long ago before deciding to "retire"--is back with a new blog (And There Was Much Rejoicing)!

It's called, A Spanko Garden.

The blog started on July 20th.  This is Bonnie's new spot where she can kick back, relax, and cultivate her thoughts whenever she feels the need for a creative outlet.  It's most definitely not going to become the massive undertaking that My Bottom Smarts became--she's done that already, why would she start it all over again?  But you know that it will be a fun and thoughtful place to visit.

You can follow the link above to find her new blog, and I've also added it to the Blog Roll.

Welcome back, dear lady!

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Spankable Saturday

It's Summer, so let's look for "spankables" on the beach or elsewhere.  Considering how little swimsuits cover these days, I suppose the girls can always tell people that the bright red color of their bottoms is due to "sunburn".....

Friday, July 25, 2014


Everybody who can remember their very first spanking will recognize this reaction....

There is a desire to look at the results.  Feeling the sting is just not enough.  They want to see the pink and red color playing across their skin,  For some, the sight is almost as good as the spanking itself.  They just have to admire the results.

Do you remember the movie Secretary?  After she's spanked for the first time, what does she do?  She runs into the bathroom and looks at her bottom.  Say what you want about the movie, this was a touch that rang true.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Into The Corner

Depending on the spanker and the spankee, many times a spanking session is started or followed up by the naughty girl spending time in the corner.  This gives her a chance to think about her behavior and reflect on the consequences.  For the spanker, it's a chance to sit back and admire his handiwork.

It's all a part of the psychology involved in a good spanking.  Spanking isn't just the physical act.  There's also an emotional and mental side to it.  A good spanking session touches on all three.

Now, then....cornertime, young lady!

Wednesday, July 23, 2014


( The Lone Ranger is a spanko!  Pass it on.......)

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

On The Beach

This is one moonlit walk along the beach that she'll remember for a long, long time....

Monday, July 21, 2014

Start To Finish

This looks like a good start to a spanking.....

And this looks like a good way to finish!

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Spankable Saturday

On Spankable Saturday, sometimes I'll post just one photo, sometimes 4, sometimes more.  There's no rhyme or reason to it.

This Saturday, there's just one photo--but in this case, one is all you need.  Here's this Saturday's Spankable Bottom --

Friday, July 18, 2014

The Curse Of SpellCheck

++++A Chross  "Spanking Of The Week"++++

"Ms. Reynolds, you have a computer.  It can check your spelling for you.  There will be NO-MORE-TYPOS.........EVER!"

Thursday, July 17, 2014


"God bless you, my son.  She's had that coming for years!"

Wednesday, July 16, 2014


There are times when you really don't need to ask, "What happened?"  You just know....

Tuesday, July 15, 2014


There was a discussion in one of the groups on FetLife recently about what spanking implements might be considered "underrated".  A surprising number of people replied, "the hairbrush".

Considering the look of fear a naughty young lady gets in her eyes when I threaten to use the hairbrush--not to mention the reactions I get when I do have to apply it to her bare bottom--I find it hard to believe that anyone would consider that spanking tool "underrated".

Just ask her...

Monday, July 14, 2014

Not A Good Idea

Taunting someone is really not nice.

Taunting someone who won't hesitate to turn you over his knee and spank you is most definitely not a good idea.

And taunting someone by writing messages like "You call that hard?" and "Is that all you got?" on the seat of your panties is like waving a red flag in front of a bull--if the bull is the sort to turn you OTK, pull your skirt up and your panties down and smack your bottom long and hard!

And yet that's what the lovely Kat St. James and the equally lovely Samantha Woodley do to Kyle Johnson, and the results are exactly what you'd expect....

For a free preview of this and other wonderful spanking material, go to Firm Hand Spanking to browse around--or consider becoming a member!

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Spankable Saturday

I realize that I could just post one photo of a lovely lady with a cute butt and call it a Saturday.  Two pictures would be more than fair.  Three would be generous.  Four would be slightly insane.  I'm posting seven!  What does that tell you about me?  What can I say?  I'm a giver....