Monday, January 4, 2010


There's a very good reason these ladies are getting ready to drop their pants.....

....because just about an hour ago or so, this blog went over the 400,000 hit mark! Woo-hooo!!

I want to thank everybody who comes here on a regular basis to check for new content. I want to thank all of the people following the blog, including the 4 newest followers. I'm very happy to have you join me here! I'm still having fun doing this--spanking AND blogging, that is--and you hope you join in the fun!

My two-year blogiversary is still a couple of weeks off, and that will be another reason to celebrate. I thought about waiting and combining the two celebrations, but the heck with that idea! Never pass up the opportunity for some celebratory spanking, I always say!

So, ladies, drop the jeans and bend over! Let's see, that'll be 100,000 each......

Okay, that's probably a bit much. Give me time....I'll figure something out!


I've updated the link for the site, The Spanking Universe. It should work now. This is a great place to check for updates of your favorite blogs--not to mention a great place to possibly find some new favorites!

And speaking of new--one of my new followers is Lil Sam, who has her own blog called lil sams. The link is up and added to the blog roll on the right. Go and take a look at it, and leave her a comment saying, "Hi!".

And, of course, tell her Dr. Ken sent you. :-)


ronnie said...

400,00, wow, congratulations Dr. Ken.


Hermione said...

Big congratulations! That's quite an accomplishment.

I'm almost there too. As hard as I try, you're always one swat ahead of me!


faith said...



Congratulations, I think that the big half will come along very quickly.


Dr. Ken said...

ronnie--Thanks, ronnie, and thanks for "following" me. BTW, I've added a link to your marvelous blog.

Hermione--Thanks! But shouldn't that be, "one swat behind you"? (Which, I'm sure your husband would agree, is a very nice place to me.)
BTW--and I think I've said this before--I predict that, because you tend to post more often than I do, that you will eventually catch up and go ahead of me as far as number of hits go. Couldn't happen to a nicer lady....

faith--Thanks! Ya gotta have....well, you know!

Spankedhortic--thank you! The big "half" will come when it comes, but that'll be fun to see!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the 400k, Doc! Keep up the good work.


Dr. Ken said...

Dev--many thanks! I plan to do my best...